শুক্রবার, ২৬ জুলাই, ২০১৩

It is wealfare foundation .It is a private and non-profitable,non-political,helping wealfare foundation .

Description :

This foundation establish in date of 10-10-10.That can helps every one.We can helps any body in A-Z any work.We can't take any profit/salary/cash for any work.Our main nature is help every one.If you are face any problem you can share with us.You can tell us without any doubt.Or contact with us.We will help you by our ability.

General Information :

wealfare foundation is a private and non-profitable, non-political helping welfare foundation. The goal of helpingl welfare based activities...If u have any problem or need any help please share with us.We will help you by our ability.You can inform your problems also in privet.. Central Committee:

Name: ahmad shofiq
Position: President & Founder
Phone: +8801767-404822
Email: wealfar@yahoo.com
Position:President  Founder
page:http:// facebook.com/wealfare foundation

কোন মন্তব্য নেই:

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